All Our Handouts
Our growing list of handouts for everyone. After all, sharing is caring 🙂
The handouts below have been created and updated based on thousands of conversations and observations during our sessions. We learn from all of you 🙂.
Our handouts have been inspired by the topics in our leadership and management programmes and the challenges many leaders and managers shared.
Sharing these resources is encouraged but entirely at your discretion. Feel free to distribute them in any way that suits you best. They are our collective thoughts.
Our social value goal is to help anyone challenge and develop their thinking when communicating and working with others, and we hope our handouts will help.
As you will appreciate, these topics have been raised in the context of the many and various working environments we have visited, but some may also help in our relationships at home and with friends and relatives.
If you wish to support our registered charity with a small donation, please read more about it and its work to help others who are impacted by mental health, especially Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Click here to visit FLOW for ALL.
“Your words say who you are: your actions prove who you are”
5. Career Development/Performance Management Thinking
6. Challenging Conversation Checklist
8. Colleague Engagement Ladder
11. EI - Benefits and How to Improve it
12. Engaging Our Brains (Neuroscience)
14. How do you like your Coffee/People
17. Influence - Robert Cialdini
18. Johari Window
19. Learning Styles
20. Managing Bias
22. Motivation
24. Procrastination
25. Project Management Overview
28. Reasoning/Socratic Questions
29. Remote Working
30. Saboteurs
31. SAS Feedback
33. The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
34. Tuckman on Teams
Handouts that have been asked for and we will be writing include: